Featured Questions
- Are chip-enable terminals expensive?
- Are merchants required to switch to chip-enabled terminals?
- Are savings deposits insured?
- Are there any penalties if I prepay my auto loan?
- Are there other reasons merchants should have chip-enabled terminals?
- Can a chip card be used to make purchases online or by phone?
- Can cardholders be tracked with their EMV cards?
- Can cardholders request a chip card before the scheduled rollout date?
- Can cardholders still use their current card?
- Can chip cards be used at an ATM?
- Can I create an alert that will notify more than one contact at the same time?
- Can I download a specific application for my iPhone?
- Can I have my mortgage payment deducted automatically from my checking or savings account each month?
- Can I Opt-in now and change my mind later?
- Can I Opt-Out for my child's account?
- Can I stop a payment I made using my debit card?
- Can I view a Pending Transaction in more detail?
- Can one of the joint owners on the account make the decision to Opt-In or Opt-Out or must it be the primary owner?
- Check 21: What is it?
- Do I have to Opt-In or Opt-Out on all my accounts separately?
- Do I have to own my home to be eligible for a Home Equity Line or Home Equity Loan?
- Do I need to make a down payment to be approved for an auto loan?
- Do I still have to login to the Application?
- Do you accept Visa or Mastercard for loan payments?
- Does this affect my checks, recurring Bill Payments or ACH payments?
- Does this Regulation only deal with debit card transactions?
- Does WVFCU require property inspection?
- First Time Log On to The App
- How are interest rates determined?
- How are they protected?
- How can I locate an ATM surcharge free machine?
- How can I make loan payments online?
- How can I reset my forgotten username or password?
- How can I start my application?
- How do I access my loan account online?
- How do I activate my debit card?
- How do I add a joint party to an existing account?
- How do I add or change account beneficiaries?
- How do I change my name on my account?
- How do I enroll for Home Banking?
- How do I get a replacement debit card?
- How do I handle an unauthorized transaction on my account?
- How do I know it is a Pending Transaction?
- How do I log in Mobile Banking?
- How do I opt in to authorize and pay overdrafts on my ATM everyday debit card transactions?
- How do I return merchandise purchased with my debit card?
- How do I use my debit card at an ATM machine?
- How do you change Username or Password?
- How does a member create an alert?
- How does a member set or change their quiet time?
- How does a member temporarily stop or permanently delete an alert?
- How is the interest rate calculated on a Home Equity Product?
- How long does conversion to chip-enabled terminals take?
- How much can I borrow with an auto loan?
- How much can I contribute this year to my Traditional or Roth IRA?
- How quickly can I close on a Home Equity Line or Loan?
- How quickly can I get approved for a Home Equity Line or Loan?
- How will the member know when an alert is paused?
- I have lost my checkbook, what should I do?
- I've lost my VISA Checkcard, who do I contact?
- If I contribute to my Tradtional IRA between December 31st and the tax filing due date, how does the IRS know I made the contribution since I won't have a tax form?
- If I have a current WVFCU mortgage and want to refinance will I have to pay closing cost again?
- If I have already been approved by WVFCU, how long does it typically take to close?
- Is a chip card more secure than magnetic stripe cards?
- Is Online Banking secure?
- Is there a fee for Bill Pay?
- Is there a reason this is happening?
- Is there an important chip card date for merchants?
- My Visa credit card has been stolen, Who do I contact?
- Security
- What about Business Accounts? Does the regulation apply?
- What about online and phone transactions?
- What are acceptable forms of identification?
- What are chip cards?
- What are chip cards?
- What are points?
- What are the Fax Numbers for WVFCU?
- What are the features of the Mobile App?
- What are the terms and repayment periods available for Home Equity?
- What determines auto loan interest rate?
- What do pending transactions look like on the mobile app?
- What does Regulation E mean to you?
- What happens if a chip card is lost or stolen?
- What happens if a merchant doesn't convert to chip-enabled terminals?
- What information is on the chip?
- What is a Credit Union?
- What is a debit card?
- What is a down payment?
- What is a rate lock?
- What is a substitute check?
- What is an appraisal?
- What is an inspection?
- What is different between credit versus debit transaction?
- What is homeowner's warranty?
- What is origination charge?
- What is phishing?
- What is prepayment?
- What is Regulation E?
- What is the cut-off time for outgoing wires?
- What is the deadline date to make a contribution for previous year?
- What is the difference between a debit card and credit card?
- What is the difference between chip and signature and chip and PIN?
- What is the difference between locking or floating a rate?
- What is the difference between Mobile Banking & Mobile App
- What is the difference between private mortgage insurance and homeowners insurance?
- What is the easiest way to transfer my checking account from another institution?
- What is the WVFCU Routing/Transit Number?
- What is title insurance?
- What is vishing?
- What should I do if I think I've been a victim of Identity theft?
- What should I do if your wallet is lost or stolen?
- What should you do if card is lost or stolen?
- What type of alert options are available?
- What type of alerts can be sent?
- When can I lock the rate and how much does it cost?
- When did Check 21 become effective?
- When do I stop making contributions to my Traditional IRA?
- Who can join a credit union?
- Who is eligible for Mobile Banking or Mobile App?
- Who should merchants contact for more information?
- Why didn't I recieve a 1099-INT form?
- Why do I have to opt-in or out?
- Why was my debit card declined?
- Will chip cards prevent data breaches?
- Will homeowners insurance be required at closing?
- Will making payments at a chip-enabled terminal take longer?
Recently Added Questions
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- I have more than one participating rewards card, can I use my user name and password for both?
- Will my points expire?
- Will I receive Pay with Points e-mail or text messages for international transactions?
- Will I receive notifications while I am traveling internationally?
- Will I receive a Pay with Points e-mail or text message for my auto bill pay transactions?